Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Nathan Fillion

Okay, so not only is Nathan Fillion amazing in every possible way, but he has recently been in some Spike TV short (I know, I know) but he's so fantabulous, that it was beautiful. Go watch it. It's called Nailing Your Wife. And it's advertised as PG Porn. Yes. Nathan Fillion. Fake porn. It's amazing. And... for even more amazing Nathan Fillion-ness, the behind the scenes action.

Also, while you're at it, go watch Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog for doubledee goodness of Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion --- SINGING. And... be happy that this exists: http://www.captainhammer.com/.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

To-Do List for This Week

School related:

1. Finish the first book of Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh. (74 more pages) For Wednesday.
2. Finsih African Queen: The Real Life of the Hottentot Venus, write a 2 pages summary and prepare a 5-10 minute presentation. For Thursday.
3. Print and read all articles for class on Thursday.
4. Make sure that you have ordered all books for classes.
5. Read Chapter 1 of Dreams from My Father by Barack Obama. For Friday.

Personal related:
1. Eat your fruits and veggies! (I've totally been slacking)
2. Work out everyday (Wii Fit should make this easier)
3. Clean something everday.

Btw... I just checked out the syllabus for my 18th Century Poetry and Prose class, and it was so incredibly redonc, that I had to write something about it. The class is supposed to have a large online componant, but I think the Professor might have gone insane over the holidays. Out of his mind. Here are exerpts from the syllabus:

Required Materials

Computer access; iPod or mp3 player or access to computer to listen to podcasts; registration with twitter.com; ability to print and/or electronically access tests for in-class and online discussion.

Yes. That's right. You read that correctly. TWITTER. TWITTER!!!!

How to Register and Use Twitter

I have registered for twitter in order to be able to communicate with you all outside of class discussion, email, and telephone. I would like you all to register to "follow" me so that I can send updates as needed to your cellphones as text messages. I will not abuse the issue, I promise, and you can also have updates sent to email (if for some reason you do not have a cell phone).


Got it!

We finally got the Wii Fit!!!

Zach has been trying to get it for weeks, and this morning, just as a fluke, we called Best Buy to see if they had it - and they did! The guy said they only have one left, and they could only reserve it for us for an hour - so we threw our clothes on and jumped in the car. I didn't have a chance to set it up until about midnight - but it was so fun! Zach and I played for about 40 minutes, and now he's playing Call of Duty: World at War, the other new game he bought today.

It's a war game. I don't love war games. That aside, it seems like a pretty good game. I played for a while, and the controls are a little awkward at first, but after you get used to them, they're not bad. For a war game. lol.

I will givev a more complete description of how awesome the Fit is once I've had more time to work with it.

Btw... Zach apparently has NO balance. It's funny watching him.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Come On, Wii

So Zach is buying me a Wii Fit for my birthday because he's awesome and I wanted it so that I could exercise and have fun at the wame time. But he can't get it anywhere! No store has it. So I'd just like to say:

Wtf Wii. Can you PLEASE make more than 50 products a week for the entire world? Best Buy told him that they were going to get at least THREE (3) Wii Fits on Sunday. THREE!?!?! Having 3 Wii Fits counts as being properly stocked?? Wtf.

Thank you, I feel much better now.

Another Dress

So, I don't love this dress. There's something about it--I can't tell if it's the model or the dress itself, but there's just something not perfect about it. But it's pretty darn close. I like the shape, the cut, the sheer straps and all of that. Overall I like it a lot, I just don't love it. But since I'm trying to put ideas up here... I could be happy with a dress like this. Not this one. But like it.

I think my favorite thing about this dress is the appearance of the bottom half: I like how it drapes and is kinda sheer, but pretty at the same time. (The more I look at it... the more I think that it might be the model that I can't stand... and that she's tainting the rest of the dress.)

I mean seriously... look at her face! But the bust of the dress is pretty cool too. I figure... I don't really want to look like a princess... but looking like a goddess wouldn't be that bad.

From Venus Brides.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Goals update

I just changed the title of this blog because I've let the 101 goals pretty much fall to the wayside. I edited the sidebar to match my current life; I took out almost half of the goals that I thought were impractical or implausible. I also added nine more goals that I want to accomplish specifically this semester.

I think it's important that I created a new set of goals that are completely attainable and realistic. Many of the goals on my original 101 goals list were near impossible, and there were quite a few that were attainable, but so ridiculous that I almost didn't want to do them. That makes no sense. Ergo... this new list.

Also, I would like to devote large chunks of this blog to tracking my wedding planning... which at this point is just me posting pictures of things that I like so that I have an easy way of keeping track of everything and sharing things with others.

Joss Whedon's Scriptwriting Advice

Joss Whedon, one of my heroes, is widely known for creating Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its spinoff, Angel, as well as the tv show Firefly and movie Serenity. Whedon is currently producing the show Dollhouse, which has yet to be aired on Fox. Whedon shares some of the tips that he has acquired through his years of experience working with and writing scripts. 

Danny Stack's blog entry contains the full list of Whedon's tips, my favorite of which being: 

Actually finishing it is what I'm gonna put in as step one. You may laugh at this, but it's true. I have so many friends who have written two-thirds of a screenplay, and then re-written it for about three years. Finishing a screenplay is first of all truly difficult, and secondly really liberating. Even if it's not perfect, even if you know you're gonna have to go back into it, type it to the end. You have to have a little closure."

Monday, January 19, 2009

Another table setting

I found another table setting that I really like. Can we pick up on any similarities from the last one? Outdoors-check. Simple setting-check. Cute, simple flowers-check. Frickin adorable? CHECK.

Also... pinks and greens are apparently perfect for outdoors in my mind. Totally doesn't fit with the royal blue that I had been half dreaming about having the theme. Pssh, whatever, I'll probably change the theme color(s) a billion times before the actual wedding.

Btw... this wedding (from the Knot.com) apparently took place in Key Largo. You know... like they mention in that Beach Boys song. I had no idea that it actually existed. lol


I did yoga today with my mom - it was so much fun! She goes to two or three different yoga classes a week, and we both had off today (happy birthday Martin Luther King Jr.!) so we spent the day together shopping and going to yoga. It was a really small class with only my mother, my sister, Suzanne (my foster mother), Nikki (my bestest friend and foster-sister) and their neighbor Marie. Our yogi was Vivienne, and she had the smoothest, most calming voice in the world.

And the yoga! It wasn't hard - well, parts were challenging - but I was able to do everything. And you know what? I want to do it again! I'm going to see if there are any yoga places in my neighborhood, because I think it would definitely be worth my while to do some yoga on a regular basis.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Table Setting

I would love to have an outdoor wedding. To me, an outdoor wedding can be so many things that an indoor wedding can't. Simplistic. Pure. Realisitc. Beautiful. When I think of an indoor wedding in a reception hall, I see glitz and glitter and sparkling china and rows of silver utensils and miles of silk linens and I don't want that. It doesn't seem real. It seems produced. I want me wedding to look authentic and possibly yes, rustic, but I want it to be pure and simple. Just a dinner where everyone is getting together to celebrate how much Zach and I love each other. Is that so much to ask?
That's whwy I love this table setting so much. It's simplistic and lighthearted and lovely. Do you really need anything more? Two plates, a few utensils and two glasses for water and wine. Most everyone manages to eat dinner on a regular basis with fewer necessities, I feel like you don't need anything more complicated than this.
From a real wedding in New Jersey, via Brides.com.

Another dress

Here's another dress that I find startlingly pretty. It is very unique, and a bit strange, but I can't help staring at it.

I love the hem on the bottom, I love the lace detail on the top. I love the wrap around on the waste. I love the strap/almost sleeves.

I love the back. And guess what? This is the dress in ivory. It also comes in white. I might have to find this store and try the dress on because it just something. I can't explain it any better, but it's there.
Dress from Eden Bridals.

Let them eat Cake....

Okay, so I've been thinking about what kind of look I want for the wedding, and I really have no clue. Part of me wants a super hippy dippy wedding where I'm barefoot and Zach doesn't have a suit jacket and we have a cake kind of like this one.

Just look at it: it has ferns growing on the sides of the cake, and it's individual, yet layered, and it looks natural and organic. It's awesome. But everyone makes fun of me when I show it to them. Part of me wants to make fun of me. Nonetheless, I still think it's an awesome looking cake.

Plus, they could each be different flavors. Chocolate raspberry. Vanilla cream. Strawberry shortcake. Mmmmmmmm. Plus, we could even do a gluten free one for Gena. Except she'd have to eat the whole thing herself.

Cake from: brides.com.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wedding planning

I can't figure out why I love this dress so much, but I do. It's very different from most of the other dresses that I like, but there's something about it....

Wedding planning

I can't figure out why I love this dress so much, but I do. It's very different from most of the other dresses that I like, but there's something about it....