Sunday, March 23, 2008

101 Goals in 1001 Days

So, I've begun this adventure. I created a list of 101 goals that I want to accomplish in the next 1001 days. I began on Feb 1, 2008, and I have until October 29, 2010 to finish all of them. I haven't been sure how I was going to record everything, but it would seem that this is the most convenient place to store all of my experiences and accomplishments. Here is my list of goals.

101 Goals in 1001 Days

1. Get engaged.
2. Take three random weekend road trips.
3. Lose 15 lbs and keep it off.
4. Drink only water and tea for one month.
5. Eat 3 fruit everyday for one month.
6. Exercise five days a week for one month.
7. Buy a car.
8. Publish something.
9. Finish my book.
10. Get $3000 in my savings account.
11. Keep $1000 in my checking account for more than three months.
12. Fill another bookshelf.
13. Paint the dining room and bedroom.
14. Learn how to knit.
15. Learn how to tango or salsa.
16. Learn how to cook 20 easy meals.
17. Create my own cookbook.
18. Find/buy a new apartment/house.
19. Do an English related internship.
20. Earn my degree in English and Women's Studies with at least a 3.5 GPA.
21. Revamp my wardrobe.
22. Finish Pace's 5-year Publishing Master's program.
23. Re-read the Tao of Pooh and finish the Te of Piglet.
24. Get my Tree of Life tattoo.
25. Figure out a career.
26. Volunteer for a fundraiser.
27. Celebrate every Wiccan holiday for one year.
28. Go to a Pagan festival.
29. Take 4 belly dancing classes.
30. Travel to England, Scotland and Ireland.
31. Read all of Shakespeare's plays.
32. Write on the beach.
33. Whiten teeth.
34. Play 5 hours of music a week.
35. Keep the apartment really clean for a month. Really clean.
36. Find a better paying job.
37. Camp out on the beach with friends.
38. Eat organic for one week.
39. Take a wine testing tour on the North Fork.
40. Read the entire Berea Reading List.
41. Complete Guitar Hero III on Expert.
42. Go to yoga classes for one month.
43. Buy three staple dresses that I look amazing in.
44. Make ice cream.
45. Learn to drive a stick-shift.
46. Save $1000 in my IRA every year.
47. Take a painting class.
48. Photo-document an entire day.
49. Go to a spa and get the works.
50. Travel to the west coast.
51. Eat New England Clam Chowder in New England.
52. Eat a Philly Cheese-steak in Philadelphia.
53. Learn to do a cart-wheel.
54. Learn how to make apple pie from scratch.
55. Make a giant sandcastle.
56. Take a glass-blowing class.
57. Make sea-glass jewelry.
58. Get a nice tan.
59. Throw a masquerade ball.
60. Learn how to make peach cream pie from scratch.
61. Learn how to bake bread from scratch.
62. Wander around the New York Public Library.
63. See at least 4 plays a year.
64. Talk to a Tibetan monk.
65. Donate blood.
66. Be able to write a full paragraph in Latin.
67. Read five books on Oprah's reading list.
68. Read the whole Bible.
69. Go to the opera at least once a year.
70. Stretch at dawn five days a week for one month.
71. Watch a new movie once a week for three months.
72. Throw a surprise birthday party for Nikki.
73. Go to the TriBeCa film festival.
74. Go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art every season.
75. Make peanut butter from scratch.
76. Make orange juice from scratch.
77. Sing and dance in the rain.
78. Stay up talking all night, and then sing "Good Morning" from Singin' in the Rain.
79. Read "the Faerie Queen" by Edmund Spenser.
80. Stay completely up to date with the news for three months.
81. Train Turbo to sit and stay.
82. Get an 80 gb iPod.
83. Fill an 80 gb iPod.
84. Listen to 1,001 new songs.
85. Write every day.
86. Go an entire month without cursing.
87. Play "Throught the Fire and the Flames" on Hard.
88. Celebrate another country's independence day in that country.
89. Have all homework done in advance (before the day it is due) for two months.
90. Read the Koran.
91. Find a new haircut that I love.
92. Find a signature drink.
93. Learn a new instrument.
94. Take vitamins every day for three months.
95. Stop cracking knuckles constantly.
96. Take Turbo for at least 2 long walks a week for four months.
97. Take Zach out for a really nice evening "on the town".
98. Beat Nikki at a game of Scrabble.
99. Reread 1984, Brave New World, and Farenheit 451.
100. Lay in the grass and do nothing.
101. Make a scrapbook or slideshow of my goals.

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