Monday, March 9, 2009

New pretties!

So, Agie just introduced me to a new awesome site: the Martha Stewart Wedding page!

There are tons of awesome stuff, but since I'm supposed to be working at work, I won't write too much about how great it is.

I just wanted to share this beautiful looking reception area. I like the square tables because they're interesting looking. I LOVE the lamps, and the tent, and the fact that this feels like it's indoors, but it's outdoors at the same time. Also, the tables aren't extravagant, but they're not sparse either. Also... I would change the centerpieces, they're a bit boring.

Ok, so I found one last outdoor reception that I wanted to post here. I love this one for very similar reasons: awesome lamps (albeit quite different), relatively simple tables, outdoors (but the tent is large enough that you feel sheltered at the same time). It's pretty looking. It just needs more color and flowers. Lots more flowers.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the first one, mostly because of the view outside and the square tables
