The first picture I took when leaving Shea Stadium after seeing the Yankees play against the Mets there. The Yankees lost, which made it much less fun, but I got to spend the afternoon with my cousins and Zach, so it wasn't a lost cause.
The 2nd picture is of a waterfall coming out of the Brooklyn Bridge. No I'm not making that up. Yes it is really there. Well, it might be gone now because it was a summer thing, I think, but it was really there. It was some type of "art." There were a few of these giant waterfalls all around the area.
And McSorley's Pub! I love this place. Everything about it... the sawdust, the wishbones, the really old pictures layering every inch of the walls, the cheese platter, the mustard, and most of all... the light and dark beer. Oh, and the giant furnace in the middle of the floor that will actually burn you if you're not careful.
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